Saturday, August 28, 2010

God's Assistance

Welcome to Walk by Faith. I am so honored that you took the time to visit. This week I decided to go into my archives. About a year ago, the Lord gave me an article about "God's Assistance." I decided to share it with you guys. I pray that you are blessed.

In basketball, an assist is a pass that leads to a point being scored. Without the point being made there is absolutely nothing special about the pass.

In our Christian walk, we often ask God for help. We pray that the lord would help, or assist, us to obtain peace. We pray that He would help, or assist, us with patience. But, in all honesty, it is not His help that we want. We want the Lord to do it for us. We don't want His assistance. We want Him to make it happen with no effort on our part.

A pass is an opportunity. The person who receives the pass is responsible for how the opportunity is maximized. At some point in your walk with God you will have a moment were you will say, "God where are you? Why aren't you helping?" It is at these times when you should reassess the situation. Instead of complaining, which only sours your mood, began to say, "Lord show me how to maximize the opportunity that is set in front of me."

When you start taking the perspective that my situation is God setting me up to score, you look at His assistance in a whole new light. So stop complaining that God is not assisting you. Start beginning to look inwardly and see if you are taking advantage of the opportunities, even those that seem bad, that He is affording you.

Walk By Faith!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome to "Walk By Faith"

It's funny how just a few days can cause your whole mindset to change. It's funny how just a few moments in the presence of God can transform your whole way of thinking. And, it's funny how just a couple of words can purify any ill intent and cause you to get back to the heart of your own God given assignment. This is what happened to me.

When I started lifeaccordingtomypen, I did so out of frustration. I was frustrated with the reception of my book by publishers and lit agencies. I was upset that, after all the hard work I had put into it, nobody was trying to pick it up. So, after watching "Julie and Julia," a movie based on the true life story of a woman who blogged her way through a Julia Child's cookbook, I decided to create my own blog. At the time, I had no desire to blog for the glory of God. I had every intention of blogging for the recognition of Calvin. Thank the Lord for a renewed mind.

I've come to a place where I understand that no matter what I do I must do it for His glory. Everything that I set my hand to should reproduce God's glory in some manner and if it doesn't than I have no business doing it. It is my prayer that this blog will be a blessing to you. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read. Come back next week for my first official post. Thanks again, God bless.